Paul on… Building A Creative Environment

My whole life is full of art, photography, architecture, etc. But this room is full of inspiration. You can never not get any inspiration from this room. So if you have a meeting here, you can just pick something up and say, “I really love the colours in this book, or the postage stamps on this pink bucket”. I’ve been receiving stuff like this for over 40 years.

Stamp for Building A Creative Environment
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Building A Creative Environment

Whether you work in a studio or a kitchen, it’s the place you spend the most time thinking and creating. Having a few interesting objects around can help spark curiosity at just the right moment.

Stamp for Building A Creative Environment

Paul on… Building A Creative Environment

My whole life is full of art, photography, architecture, etc. But this room is full of inspiration. You can never not get any inspiration from this room. So if you have a meeting here, you can just pick something up and say, “I really love the colours in this book, or the postage stamps on this pink bucket”. I’ve been receiving stuff like this for over 40 years.

Stamp for Building A Creative Environment

Paul on… Building A Creative Environment

My room and all the objects in it are childlike not childish; the difference is huge. Children are not cluttered with education and experience, which makes them really open and honest. Some people might see it as junk; I see it as inspiration.

Stamp for Building A Creative Environment

Paul on… Building A Creative Environment

What I promote constantly to all the guys I work with is lateral thinking. Don't go down the obvious route. In my case, I like being surrounded by interesting things. I can get so much inspiration from just sitting in the office and looking around.

Stamp for Building A Creative Environment

Paul on… Building A Creative Environment

When David Bowie came to my room, which is full of stuff, he just couldn’t stop asking questions. “Where’s that from? What’s that book about?” He had this lovely curious mind and that’s why his songs and his persona and chameleon way existed, was because he was always ready for the next thing, and turning it into something different.

Stamp for Building A Creative Environment

Paul on… Building A Creative Environment

My room where I work is full of amazing books and objects and things sent to me from around the world. It’s where I do my design work. My designers come around the table and we look around and it’s great fun.

Stamp for Building A Creative Environment